Mrs. Aspiras – Week 17

Math – The area of a square is =Side x Side

Latin –  John 1 Latin

Timeline – Motion Visuals

Geography – We traced on the map.

History –C3 Week 17 – Timeline Card 136
Tell me about President Wilson.
In 1917, President Wilson asked Congress to declare war on the Central
Powers two years after German U-boats sank the Lusitania, killing
American citizens.
• President Wilson: (Timeline, see WWI and President Wilson) Palms-facing Gs held in front of eyes
move outward and close as if tracing the outline of glasses.
• Congress: (ASL for Congress) C-hand touches the left side of the chest and then crosses over to touch
the right side.
• Central Powers: (ASL for Central) Bent hand makes a circular motion and then lands in the center
of the palm of the opposite hand.
• German: (Timeline, see Otto von Bismarck Unifies Germany) Right and left palm-in five hands cross
at wrists and fingers wiggle to indicated the feathers of the double-eagle emblem on the old German
empire flag before unification.
• Sank: (ASL for Sink) The 3-handshape moves downward while the opposite hand remains
stationary above it with the palm facing down.
• American citizens: Put your right hand on your heart, as if saying the Pledge of Allegiance.

English – to go

Science– 12 Days song for Elements 

Presentation Idea for Week 18:

18 Show and tell: Your choice

WHO gave it to you?

WHAT does it look like?

WHERE/WHEN did you get it?

WHY do you like it?

Persuasion: Commercial

Create a commercial that “persuades” your audience to buy your real or imaginary product. Enhance your presentation with props, gestures, and expression.

Skill: Poise: Be calm, cool and collected. Stand tall and still. Calmly and confidently continue even if something goes wrong.

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